Switch edu-ID

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Switch edu-ID - Anmeldung
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edu-ID - das universelle Login für lebenslanges Lernen Mehr erfahren
Switch edu-ID - Registration
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Create Account. First name. Last name. Date of birth. E-mail. Preferred language. Select... Matriculation number (optional)
Switch edu-ID
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Das Switch edu-ID Konto ermöglicht den Zugriff auf Dienste während und auch nach dem Studium, wie z.B. auf Alumni Services. Switch edu-ID unterstützt Ihre Hochschule bei der Digitalisierung und Optimierung Ihrer Identity Management Prozesse. Eine ausführliche Dokumentation und der technische Support helfen bei der Einbindung von Switch edu-ID.
University: Switch edu-ID - University of Bern - Portal
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Further information. The Switch edu-ID is a universal and secure digital identity for lifelong access to university resources. The Switch edu-ID is designed for permanent use and is administered by university members themselves. It is available to all Swiss universities and their partners.
Universität: Switch edu-ID - Universität Bern - Portal
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Weitere Gründe für die Umstellung von SWITCHaai auf die Switch edu-ID. Wer an mehreren Hochschulen studiert und/oder arbeitet, benötigt nur noch ein Konto. Die Recherche im swisscovery Rechercheportal ist nur mit einer Switch edu-ID möglich. Mit der Switch edu-ID wird die Anmeldung zum Studium sicherer und einfacher.
Switch edu-ID - SWITCH Help
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Subscribe to the edu-ID newsletter with general announcements about edu-ID. Open a mail program which sends mail from the address you want to subscribe. Send a mail to the list subscription address. eduid-announce-join@lists.switch.ch. Identity Blog. Visit and subscribe to our Blog: https://identityblog.switch.ch/.
Campus Account, Switch edu-ID - University of Bern - Portal
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Students and employees at the University of Bern receive a Campus Account for the registration to all campus-account-enabled applications. A SWITCH edu-ID is required for registration at the University Library and several more applications (See table below). On July 16, 2024 KTools, the account management tool of the University of Bern will be ...
SWITCH edu-ID | IT-Services | University of Basel - unibas.ch
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SWITCH edu-ID is a universal, secure and personal digital identity for lifelong access to services in the university environment. Since 10 November 2020, the "SWITCH edu-ID" has been mandatory at the University of Basel for user registration for a growing number of services. In its final version, "SWITCH edu-ID" will offer users, students and ...
SWITCH edu-ID - University of Lucerne
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New students will apply for a SWITCH edu-ID account as part of the enrolment process for the 2019 spring semester. Existing students and employees must create a SWITCH edu-ID account by the end of January 2019 and link it up with their SWITCHaai account. The online platform migrate2eduid.unilu.ch is available for this purpose.
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Switch edu-ID
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Ihre digitale Identität für lebenslanges Lernen. Switch edu-ID ist Ihre digitale Bildungsidentität und ermöglicht lebenslanges Lernen, ob als Student, Dozent, Angestellter oder Privatperson. Das Konto ist einfach zu bedienen, nutzerorientiert und bietet sicheren Zugriff auf akademische Dienste in der Schweiz und weltweit.
SWITCH edu-ID | Central IT - UZH
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The SWITCH edu-ID: provides a personal long-lasting account for accessing academic services in Switzerland. can be used during and after your studies at UZH. can be used during and after your employment at UZH. offers a single account for all universities in Switzerland and for national services such as access to libraries.
HSG - Uni SG - SWITCH edu-ID - University of St. Gallen
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SWITCH edu-ID. The SWITCH edu-ID offers users, students and staff, the following advantages: One identity for all services in the Swiss university environment, regardless of the organisation. The identity is valid for life. It extends beyond the affiliation to an organisation. Users control the content and scope of their identity.
SWITCH edu-ID - Universität Luzern
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SWITCH edu-ID. Auf Anfang Februar 2019 wechselt die Universität Luzern auf die neue Authentisierungs- und Autorisierungsinfrastruktur "edu-ID" von SWITCH. edu-ID ist an die Nutzerin oder den Nutzer gebunden. Sie kann für mehrere Hochschulen verwendet werden und bleibt auch nach Ende des Studiums oder der Anstellung bestehen.
Switch edu-ID - Registration - Creation
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The Switch edu-ID service provides end users with a personal digital identity (edu-ID) that enables access to Switch edu-ID Federation services in Switzerland, and via the Inter-Federation, with other international identity federations.
Campus Account, Switch edu-ID - Portal
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Ticketsystem. Studierende und Mitarbeitende der Universität Bern erhalten einen Campus Account, der für die Anmeldung an allen Campus Account fähigen Applikationen benutzt wird. Für die Anmeldung bei der Universitätsbibliothek sowie bei diversen anderen Applikationen (siehe untenstehende Tabelle) ist eine Swtch edu-ID erforderlich. Am 16.
SWITCH edu-ID | IT-Services | University of Basel - unibas.ch
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SWITCH edu-ID is a universal, secure and personal digital identity for lifelong access to services in the university environment. Since 10 November 2020, the "SWITCH edu-ID" has been mandatory at the University of Basel for user registration for a growing number of services. In its final version, "SWITCH edu-ID" will offer users, students and ...
Switch edu-ID account ‒ Services and resources - EPFL
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The Switch edu-ID account is a user account managed by the Switch Foundation and is offered free of charge to anyone who wishes to take part in training courses in Switzerland. The edu-ID account allows also to access to Switch’s services such as Switch Drive or SLSP ‘s services for access to the digital content of the Swiss Libraries. It ...
Two-Step Login - Login Process - For services - Switch
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Two-step login is always set up by the user for her own account. A user must first initialize two-step login before it can be used. An edu-ID end-user can enable it on the My edu-ID page in the section 'Enhanced Security Settings'. SWITCH edu-ID will guide users through the process of setting up and performing all required two-step login ...

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