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Welcome. Infosilem EnCampus Portal promotes the efficiency of self-service by bringing booking requests, master calendaring, and real-time schedules to the Web. With EnCampus Portal, you can publish all on-campus academic and non-academic events for public viewing. Your campus-wide schedule becomes an integral part of your on-line community.
Trial E-Resources – EdUHK Library
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The Library welcomes your comments regarding the usefulness and value of the database to your study, teaching and research. Subscription would be considered depending on the availability of Library funding and your evaluation. INFORMS PubsOnLine. Trial Period: until 30 June 2024. URL: https://pubsonline-informs-org.ezproxy.eduhk.hk/.
Events - Department of Mathematics and Information Technology
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30 Jun, 2024. Dr. Sun Daner Takes on Key Roles in GCCCE 2024. 30 Jun, 2024. Dr. SONG Yanjie Leads Successful Teacher Forum and Facilitates Academic Exchange Between Chongqing and Hong Kong. 30 Jun, 2024. Prof Wenli Chen's Talk on Preparing Future-Ready Collaborative Learners. 30 Jun, 2024. New Directions for the Future Development of ...
News & Notices – EdUHK Library
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Library System Maintenance (2 June 2024) Posted: 2024-05-30. Due to regular maintenance of library system, access to MyLibrary, renewal of loan and recall services will be unavailable on Sunday, 2 June 2024, 00:00 – 01:00. Library users are reminded to renew their loans before or after the affected period. Sorry for any inconvenience thus caused.
Ethical Review Application - Education University of Hong Kong
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Ethical Review Application Server, Version 0.1.4235 (beta) [ Artefacts ] Up Since 4/7/2024 8:31:57
Find Research Projects — EdUHK Research Repository
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Efficacy of a novel auditory-working-memory training program in improving speech-in-noise perception, cognitive functions, and subcortical encoding of pitch in older adults with untreated hearing impa. CHEN, Y. (PI), Anderson, S. (CoI) & YUEN, C. P. (CoI) 01/01/24 → 30/06/26. Project: Research project.
All Activities search - Education University of Hong Kong
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Campus: Buildings: E - TAI PO CAMPUS BLOCK E. SCB1 - EdUHK Sports Centre (Pak Shek Kok)
Kantonsschule Küsnacht: kantonsschulekuesnacht.ch
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Willkommen an der Kantonsschule Küsnacht. Familiär, kreativ, leistungsorientiert - mit diesen Worten beschreiben unsere Schüler*innen gerne und oft die Kanti Küsnacht. Sich wohl zu fühlen und gute Leistungen zu erbringen ist kein Gegensatz, vielmehr ist das Erste die Basis für das Zweite. Wir verbinden beides!
Publications - Albert LEE: Phonetician, The Education University of ...
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I am an experimental phonetician whose research goal is to explain acoustic phenomena without resorting to abstract notions as far as possible. This means that in my analysis I often prioritize articulatory / physical accounts. My doctoral project was my first attempt at this approach, touching on issues such as pitch accent, focus, syllable ...
EdVideo | EdUHK Library
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EdUHK Library. Advanced Search. 中文 . EdUHK Videos Highlights . 修身・心康@EdUHK Entrepreneurship and Innovation Education National Security Education Implementation Decoding National Security Law. Recently Uploaded Videos . All RTHK TVB ATV ViuTV EdUHK Videos Teaching Resources. 22:55.
Weiter   >
EdUHK Delegation Visits to University of British Columbia and Simon ...
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EdUHK Delegation Visits to University of British Columbia and Simon Fraser University 13 Jun 2024 Professor Chetwyn Chan Che-hin, Vice President (Research & Development) of The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK), recently led a delegation to visit the University of British Columbia (UBC) and Simon Fraser University (SFU), in Canada.
EdUHK Holds First fNIRS Workshop Series
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EdUHK Holds First fNIRS Workshop Series 27 Jun 2024 The University Research Facility of Human Behavioural Neuroscience (UHBN) at The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) held the inaugural ‘EdUHK fNIRS Workshop Series’ on 17th and 18th June, with ‘Early Childhood Development’ as the theme.
State of Delaware - Intranet/Extranet
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State of DelawareIntranet/Extranet. State of Delaware. Intranet/Extranet. June 28, 2024 - Friday.
Tse-Tin Chan (T.-T. Chan)
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Assistant Professor. Department of Mathematics and Information Technology. The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) Hong Kong SAR, China. BEng, PhD (CUHK) MIEEE. Email: tsetinchan@eduhk.hk. My Profiles: Google Scholar, ResearchGate, DBLP, LinkedIn. News. [Jun 18, 2024] An additional Postdoctoral opening is available now.
Kott Software Intranet
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Kott QMS. Location & Sitemap. Locations. Current Date 28-Jun-2024 03:36:25, (27-Jun-2024 22:06:25 UTC) Customer Centre.
EdUHK Signs MoUs on AI Education and STEM Education with ECNU and SHNU ...
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In the evening, Professor John Lee Chi-Kin attended a dinner in Shanghai hosted by the EdUHK Mainland Alumni Association, where he gathered with over 150 EdUHK alumni from the mainland. Summarising the visit, he said: “By forging deeper exchanges and strengthening partnerships with various institutions in Shanghai, EdUHK aspires to further propel the advancement of education across Hong Kong ...
EdUHK Wins Seven Awards at 2024 Geneva Invention Exhibition
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June 12, 2024. eduhk. The Education University of Hong Kong (EdUHK) garnered seven prestigious awards – four Silver Medals and three Bronze – at the 49th International Exhibition of Inventions Geneva (Geneva Invention Exhibition). These accolades span across areas including healthcare, educational technology, and games & toys.
The Education University of Hong Kong Salaries in Hong Kong
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I see a lot of people making $300k-500k+/yr and curious to hear some unfiltered opinions about how your life is going. I know sometimes I think it would be nice to be making bank but I imagine there are things which come with the territory that I don’t consider. (Including your salary would be helpful.) 409 Comments.
EdUHK Presents Honorary Fellowships to Two Distinguished Individuals ...
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EdUHK names two distinguished individuals as Honorary Fellows in recognition of their remarkable contributions to the University, the education and sports sector and the wider community Download From left to right: Dr David Wong Yau-kar, Council Chairman; Mr Chung Chi-kwong, Honorary Fellow; Professor John Lee Chi-Kin, EdUHK President
Intranetzugang | Leuphana
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Service. Wege ins Intranet. Sie se­hen die­se Sei­te, weil Ihr ge­genwärti­ger In­ter­net­zu­gang nicht für den in­ter­nen Zu­gang aus­gerüstet ist. Um auf die In­tra­net-Sei­ten zu­zugrei­fen, ak­ti­vie­ren Sie bitte Ih­ren persönli­chen VPN-Zu­gang oder be­nut­zen Sie ei­nen Uni­ver­sitäts­rech­ner.