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Ashley Feinberg
Unfortunately for newly-announced presidential hopeful Ted Cruz, it looks like his campaign was a touch too slow in securing the Ted Cruz domain. Either that or Team Cruz has been doing some soul searching. It’s hard to believe that Cruz never bothered buy his domain name. But according to Mother Jones, an Arizona attorney with … Continued Today, I tried to arouse a sextbot. Turns out robots are assholes. In fairness, this particular sextbot wasn’t built for its bedside manner. In fact, it’s supposed to be a game. The Sext Machine is little more than a nudity-detecting algorithm at the end of a phone number. Simply send it a winky emoticon, wait … Continued Remember Mars One? The mega-hyped, one way ticket to go start a colony on Mars assuming it could get a ship and funding and capable colonists and training facilities and the major technological advances necessary to make it all happen? Surprise! According to one finalist, the whole thing is pretty much a scam. In an … Continued The internet-naming powers that be (otherwise known as ICANN) have already blessed us with such distinguished, venerated domains as .WANG, .SEXY, and .FISH. But now, it’s gearing up to grant us with every diligent #Brand’s worst nightmare: Welcome to the .SUCKS era. Of course, something as timeless as a .SUCKS domain isn’t going to come … Continued We’ve known that a new set of diverse/sickly cartoon friendshas been on its way for a while now. But thanks to the new iOS 8.3 beta download, that day is finally here. You can officially send your friend a tiny, jaundiced, disembodied head. To get the slightly less racist set of emojis for your very … Continued Carl Sagan is arguably science’s biggest rockstar—the ultimate champion for logic and reason. Which makes it all the more painful to find out that his son is a vehement 9/11 truther. In a recent interview for a radio show called 9/11 Free Fall (already off to a great start), Jeremy Sagan—the younger son of Sagan … Continued It was the inherent beauty of the web. I had access to the same tools and the same publish button as any big time brand. As an indie player, this was incredibly powerful, and in many ways, that leveling of the creative playing field was what got so many of us so excited about this … Continued Because it was invented some time in the 1940s. In the wake of what appears to be a global iTunes/App Store outage, Apple Store employees (at least those in the UK, where this picture was taken) are resorting to some severely old school methods of payment. Yes, that is a manual, carbon copy credit card … Continued Had an extra helping at dinner? Downed a pint of ice cream for desert? Inhaled entire sticks of butter to fill the emptiness inside? You probably want a little sympathy for the fact that you now feel like shit. For the love of god, pull yourself together. Facebook doesn’t want to hear it. Facebook removed … Continued There’s no reason you would ever need to rig up an NES to run Netflix. Which is why it’s so great that these two delightfully insane Netflix engineers did it for us. Because at long last, we can finally see the House of Cards intro in all the horrific, 8-bit glory absolutely no one ever … Continued What Kind of Impact Will Deadpool and Wolverine Have on the MCU?
52 minutes ago

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